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Invontiva 's Approach To Health

Invontiva 's Approach To Health
One of our core mottos is "Discovered in nature. Optimized by science." This is based on the belief that we come from nature.
We are not separate from it; within nature is all the abundant bounty we need to achieve optimal health.

Discovered in Nature. Optimized by Science.

Like Sir Francis Bacon, we believe science is the exploration of nature. The
scientific method is the process of objectively establishing facts through testing
and experimentation. Every great natural discovery must be refined through
the stringent scientific method. Some in the medical machine would like
you to think that science and nature are at odds. But science allows us to
identify, refine and optimize the bounties provided by nature.

Health is not just physical - we also have mental, emotional, social, and
spiritual needs. All of these areas comprise our overall health: being unwell
in one aspect affects you in all the others. We believe in whole-being wellness.

It's time to take your health into your own hands and start living the life you
deserve. We all have the right to a healthy life free from barriers and obstacles,
and Invontiva has found the highest quality, most ethically grown resources
Mother Nature provides to help you achieve that goal. Connecting with the
natural world can renew our mind, body, and spirit. We can find balance and
recovery. We can create harmony in our lives. It's time to start living a healthy
life full of vitality and joy. Use mother nature as your guide and Invontiva
as your accomplice on your journey to wellness.
Health is your birthright! Claim it today!

Meet the Founder

At the young age of 42, Sean Gill, founder of Invontiva, found himself scared, confused, and sick. He was on his 12th day in the hospital, suffering from a multitude of different conditions; blood clots throughout his body (including pulmonary embolisms), lymph nodes the size of golf balls, kidney issues, terribly chronic fatigue, and significant gut conditions.

Before this complete health breakdown, Sean worked tirelessly for a tech startup, clocking an average of 75 hours per week. He lived on fast food and coffee, and like the American business culture likes to promote, he naively thought the "grind" was a noble feat and his health was just taking a temporary backseat.

Sean went to the hospital because he knew his body was truly shutting down. The doctors were simply baffled; after countless testing for many chronic diseases, including cancer, they merely shrugged their shoulders and said, "we have no idea." They sent him on his way without answers.

After leaving the hospital, he felt dejected and lost. A distinct disease may not have been crippling Sean’s body, but he felt like he was dying. He had no answers. He had no path to get better. All he was told was to “Come back if things get worse.”

But what about getting better? What about getting back to feeling energized and healthy at 42? The treatments were just addressing the symptoms. What about the causes?

This pivotal moment created a hunger for answers to these questions for Sean. He turned to educate himself on the concepts of holistic health, whole body health, integrative and plant-based medicine, diet’s role in health, meditation, and the importance of mental & spiritual well-being. He read books, conducted research, and centered his life around these principles.